- 葛容均,〈不一樣的妖靈鬼怪〉,2022兒少文學與文化研討會:「以妖靈鬼怪為名」,臺東大學兒童文學研究所,2022年11月11日。
- 葛容均,〈不一樣的遊戲〉,2021年兒少文學與文化研討會:以遊戲為名,臺東大學兒童文學研究所,
- 葛容均,〈當代科幻中的兒少處境〉,2020兒少文學與文化研討會:「活在E時代」,臺東大學兒童文學研究所,2020年11月28日。
- 葛容均,〈孩童不是一座孤島」,兒童文學也不是!〉,2019兒少文學與文化研討會:「誰在說兒少讀者?」,
- 葛容均,〈從娛樂到療癒——兒少文學幸福之路的轉變〉,2018兒少文學與文化研討會:「後印刷時代中的『改編』」,臺東大學兒童文學研究所,2018年7月20日。
- A paper entitled “ Hospittality or Hostility: Between Utopian Theory and Practice in William Morris´s Social Utopia” was accepted and on program to be presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Utopian Studies (October 29-November 1, 2009 ) at Blockade Runner Hotel , Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina (Contact: Claire Curtis: curtisc@cofc.edu;due to personal flue sickness, this presentation of mine was cancelled)
- Presented a paper entitled “Vladimir Propp, Narrative Beginning, and the Onset of the Human Condition: A Lacanian Psychoanalytic Reading of Morphology of the Folktale” and chaired my “Myth and Fairy Tales” panel at the 29th Annual Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations meeting held from February 13th to February 16th ,2008,at Hyatt Regency Albuquerque,New Mexico(Contact: Melissa Morphew,eng_smm@shsu.edu)
- Presented a paper entitled “There is No Such Thing as a Happy Ending: Jouissance and Narrative End” at the 2008 International Narrative Conference held from May 1st to May 4th at Hyatt Regency Austin, Texas(Contact:coleman.hutchison@mail.utexas.edu; drichter@nyc.rr.com)
- Presented a paper entitled “Happy Endings, Closure, and Jouissance in Narrative Ends” at the 25th International Litterature and Psychology Conference in Lisbon held from July2nd to July 7th ,2008, and co-hosted by the Instituto Superior de Psicologia,Aplicada,Lisbon,Portugal and the Institute for Psycjological Study of the Arts (IPSA) at the University of Florida ( Contact: Andrew Gordon,University of Florida : agordon@ufl.edu)
- Presented a paper entitled “Anxiety as Affect in William Morris´s Social Utopia” at Rice University´s 30th Graduare Symposium, “Effective Esthetics:Representations of Emotion,” held from September 26-27 of 2008, Houston.Tx (Contact: rice.symposium@gmail.com)
- Presented a paper entitled “Towards a Dialectic of Human Desire and Artifical IntelligenceL From Brian Aldiss´ Original Story to Steven Splielberg´s A.I.” at the Film and History Biennial Conference held from October 30th to November 2nd of 2008 in Chicago, Illinois (Contact: areachair Patrick McGuire: pmcguire@valdosta.edu)
- Presented a paper entitled “ Can We Really Love Our Neighbors? Transgression and J(eal)ouissance in Edgar Allen Poe´s Short Stories” at “ Friends and Foes, FRiendship and Conflict International and Multi-disciplinary Postgraduate Conference” 16th and 17th of November,2007, at Queen´s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, sponsored by school of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy & Institute og Irish Studies (Contact: friendsandfoesqub@hotmail.co.uk)
- Presented at the 24th International Literature and Psychology Conference in Belgrade held from July 4th to July 9th,2007, and co-hosted by Insitute for Psychological Study of the Arts (IPSA) at the University of Florida and the University of Belgrade, Serbia. title of conference paper : “Reading between Lacan and Narrative Plot : Narrative as objet pettit a, Beginning as Lack, and the Act of Reading as Metaphoric” (Contact: Andrew Gordon,University of Florida;agordon@ufl.edu)